
Psychometric Assessment
Psychometric testing involves any assessments or activities that determine an individual's cognitive profile, aptitude, interests, and personality traits. Testing can be administered to both individuals and groups depending on the reason for referral.
Psychometric assessment may be administered to children and adults. Reasons for referral for assessment can include:
determination of school readiness,
identification of barriers to learning,
subject choice or career guidance,
job recruitment,
screening for mental health problems that may need further assessment treatment
Psychometrists are not allowed to administer Neurological, Diagnostic, or Personality tests.
Play Therapy is a form of therapy used primarily for children aged 3 years to 12 years old. Depending on a child's age and stage of development, they may not be able to process or understand their emotions. They might struggle to communicate what they are feeling simply because they do not possess the skills required to do so.
Children learn to understand the world and their place in it through play. The therapist joins the child in their world at their level. It is through play that children learn coping mechanisms and socially appropriate behaviours.
While it may look like ordinary playtime, Play Therapy can be much more than that. An appropriately trained therapist can use playtime to observe and gain insights into a child's problems and difficulties. The therapist can then help the child explore their emotions and deal with unresolved issues.

Individual Counselling
Professional counselling is a safe and confidential therapeutic relationship between a Registered Counsellor and the client. The aim is to promote mental health and wellbeing, enhance self-understanding, and resolve identified concerns. Clients are active participants in the counselling process at every stage.
Registered Counsellor's offer brief solution-focused interventions. Additionally, they may perform screening tests for intervention planning or referral purposes.
They may not make any diagnosis but may refer to an appropriately trained and experienced professional for diagnosis and more in-depth intervention.