Notes from the Child Trauma Training hosted by Jelly Beanz - 16/03/2022.

Globally, Children have experienced great losses during the COVID-19 Pandemic which has had a significant impact on children’s ability to learn adequate problem-solving skills and appropriate coping mechanisms. Such losses include, but are not limited to:
· Loss of family/friends
· Regular education
· Sporting activities
· Social interaction and development
· Economic security/privileges
Many families have lost a source of income and may have lost their homes and had to relocate. In other cases, families had to welcome additional persons (close friends or family) into their homes to offer support. Parents were also forced to work from home. Furthermore, the online and blended learning structures created further obstacles to establishing routines.
Local and international research has highlighted an increase in numerous mental health-related problems:
· symptoms of depression and post-traumatic stress disorder,
· irritability,
· irregular sleeping patterns,
· poor eating habits,
· internet and gaming addictions,
· psychosomatic problems (headaches, stomach aches)
Children have expressed fears of infection, boredom and frustration, a need for social interaction, and the inconvenience of having less personal space. In South Africa, concerns have been raised regarding the previously low mathematical proficiency in SA learners which is expected to see further decline. This is because many schools were forced to move online for a while and a large number of SA children do not have access to stable internet, phones, electricity. Parents are not always able to assist with learning activities. In South Africa, specifically, school is a place of safety for children where it is the only place they get a proper meal, and where they are protected from neglect and mistreatment.